Alliance Soccer Club

Competitive, Fun, Local

Virtual Info Night for Recreational Select Families (TBD)

Link will be posted on TeamSnap accounts!


Includes 2 Custom Jerseys, 1 Black Short & 1 Pair of Soccer Socks

(If you ordered an Under Armour Uniform in the Fall 2023, Spring 2024 or Fall 2024 Season, you do not need to order one this Spring 2025)

-  This program is for U9-U18 players that have basic knowledge of soccer skills and rules of the game.  The program allows the player to experience the excitement of competition while having fun.
-  Practices are typically held at a local school twice per week.  Soccer is a team sport and players are expected to attend and participate in each practice.  This is where the learning takes place.  Games are for applying what players have learned.
-  Players will continue to build and improve their soccer skills while enhancing their physical fitness with our professional trainers, once a week.
-  Teams will play in United Recreational Soccer League (URSL), this is a recreational league that does involve travel to away games.  Teams are formed in odd years (U10, U12, U14, U16 & U18) using school years. Teams playing in URSL are grouped by boys, girls and co-ed teams in two year age brackets.  Within the age brackets there are typically 4 divisions, with D-1 being the most competitive and physically demanding.
-  Home games are played at Oakdale MS, Deer Crossing ES, LOUYAA Park and ONP. Away games vary across Frederick County, depending on the home team’s game field.
-  Games take place on Saturdays, with possible Sunday games.
All new players will need to purchase a uniform package. (If you ordered an Under Armour Uniform in the Fall 2023, Spring 2024 or Fall 2024 Season, you do not need to order one this Spring 2025)


Provide well-organized soccer recreation appropriately structured to accommodate any level of play commensurate with our players individual ability, potential, and interest and promote a positive youth sports culture.


A high-quality experience is one in which every athlete is coached using the principals of positive coaching has fun playing the game, feels like an important part of the team regardless of performance, learns “sportsmanship” beyond the playing field and learns the skills, tactics and strategies of the game while improving as a player.

Volunteer Coaches & Parents

  Volunteer Coaches and assistants stay on the sidelines with their team during games.  Parents sit on the opposite sideline and are expected to be positive influences during games and practices.

3rd/4th & 5th/6th Grade Recreational Select Soccer Team Information 

3rd & 4th Grade (U10) Recreational Program:

Cost:  $175

·        Parent Volunteer Coaches lead practices & game, with one Trainer led practices.
·        2-3 Parent Volunteer Coaches needed per team.
·        Parent Volunteer Coaches are guided by Recreational Director
·        To join the Parent Volunteer Coaching Team, click on Volunteer while in your LOUYAA account when registering your player.  Volunteers may select “Head Coach” or “Co-Coach” or “Assistant Coach” - you will not be leading alone!  No prior soccer/coaching experience necessary.  Training will be provided.

·        Twice per week, during weeks of 03/30/25 – 06/01/25
·        Practices are TBD by Parent Volunteer Coaches
·        Practices are held on various local fields including LOUYAA Park, Oakdale MS, Deer Crossing ES, Spring Ridge ES, Windsor Knolls MS and Old National Pike Park.

·        Saturday games (with some Sunday games)
·      Opening weekend and Last weekend is TBD. Game Schedules are TBD, they are typically released by URSL, 2 weeks before opening weekend.
·        Game times vary by game
·        Home games at Oakdale Middle School or Old National Pike Park
·        Away games in surrounding areas
·        7v7 format w/6 field players and 1 goalie using size 4 ball.

End of Season Tournament:
·        All teams are invited to the end-of-season URSL League Tournament weekend with Championship games.
·        Tournament weekend is expected to be 06/07/25 - 06/08/25

Uniform & Equipment:
·      Extra Cost $90, Includes 2 Custom Jerseys, 1 Matching Shorts, 1 pair of soccer socks, purchased through Clubs Under Armour Store. (If you ordered an Under Armour Uniform in the Fall 2023, Spring 2024 or Fall 2024 Season, you do not need to order one this Spring 2025)

·        Parents provide players with shin guards and cleats.
·        Soccer balls will be provided by the Club for use during practices and games.
·        Players do not need to bring a ball to practices or games.


5th & 6th Grade (U12) Recreational Program:

Cost:  $200

·        Parent Volunteer Coaches lead practices & games.
·        2-3 Parent Volunteer Coaches needed per team.
·        Parent Volunteer Coaches are guided by Recreational Director
·        To join the Parent Volunteer Coaching Team, click on Volunteer while in your LOUYAA account when registering your player.  Volunteers may select “Head Coach” or “Co-Coach” or “Assistant Coach” - you will not be leading alone!  No prior soccer/coaching experience necessary.  Training will be provided.

·        Twice per week, during weeks of 03/30/25 – 06/01/25
·        Practices are TBD by Parent Volunteer Coaches
·        Practices are held on various local fields including LOUYAA Park, Oakdale MS, Deer Crossing ES, Spring Ridge ES, Windsor Knolls MS and Old National Pike Park.

·        Saturday games (with some Sunday games)
·      Opening weekend and Last weekend is TBD. Game Schedules are TBD, they are typically released by URSL, 2 weeks before opening weekend.
·        Game times vary by game
·        Home games at Oakdale Middle School or Old National Pike Park
·        Away games in surrounding areas
·        9v9 format w/8 field players and 1 goalie using size 4 ball.

End of Season Tournament:
·        All teams are invited to the end-of-season URSL League Tournament weekend with Championship games.
·        Tournament weekend is expected to be 06/07/25 - 06/08/25

Uniform & Equipment:
·      Extra Cost $90, Includes 2 Custom Jerseys, 1 Matching Shorts, 1 pair of soccer socks, purchased through Clubs Under Armour Store. (If you ordered an Under Armour Uniform in the Fall 2023, Spring 2024 or Fall 2024 Season, you do not need to order one this Spring 2025)

·        Parents provide players with shin guards and cleats.
·        Soccer balls will be provided by the Club for use during practices and games.
·        Players do not need to bring a ball to practices or games.

7th/8th & 9th/12th Grade Recreational Select Soccer Team Information 

7th & 8th Grade (U14) Recreational Program:

Cost:  $200­

·        Parent Volunteer Coaches lead practices & games.
·        2-3 Parent Volunteer Coaches needed per team.
·        Parent Volunteer Coaches are guided by Recreational Director
·        To join the Parent Volunteer Coaching Team, click on Volunteer while in your LOUYAA account when registering your player.  Volunteers may select “Head Coach” or “Co-Coach” or “Assistant Coach” - you will not be leading alone!  No prior soccer/coaching experience necessary.  Training will be provided.

·        Twice per week, during weeks of 03/30/25 – 06/01/25
·        Practices are TBD by Parent Volunteer Coaches
·        Practices are held on various local fields including LOUYAA Park, Oakdale MS, Deer Crossing ES, Spring Ridge ES, Windsor Knolls MS and Old National Pike Park.

·        Saturday games (with some Sunday games)
·      Opening weekend and Last weekend is TBD. Game Schedules are TBD, they are typically released by URSL, 2 weeks before opening weekend.
·        Game times vary by game
·        Home games at Oakdale Middle School or Old National Pike Park
·        Away games in surrounding areas
·        11v11 format w/10 field players and 1 goalie using size 5 ball.

End of Season Tournament:
·        All teams are invited to the end-of-season URSL League Tournament weekend with Championship games.
·        Tournament weekend is expected to be 06/07/25 - 06/08/25

Uniform & Equipment:
·      Extra Cost $90, Includes 2 Custom Jerseys, 1 Matching Shorts, 1 pair of soccer socks, purchased through Clubs Under Armour Store. (If you ordered an Under Armour Uniform in the Fall 2023, Spring 2024 or Fall 2024 Season, you do not need to order one this Spring 2025)

·        Parents provide players with shin guards and cleats.
·        Soccer balls will be provided by the Club for use during practices and games.
·        Players do not need to bring a ball to practices or games.



9th & 12th Grade (U18) Recreational Program:

Cost:  $200­

·        Parent Volunteer Coaches lead practices & games.
·        2-3 Parent Volunteer Coaches needed per team.
·        Parent Volunteer Coaches are guided by Recreational Director
·        To join the Parent Volunteer Coaching Team, click on Volunteer while in your LOUYAA account when registering your player.  Volunteers may select “Head Coach” or “Co-Coach” or “Assistant Coach” - you will not be leading alone!  No prior soccer/coaching experience necessary.  Training will be provided.

·        Twice per week, during weeks of 03/30/25 – 06/01/25
·        Practices are TBD by Parent Volunteer Coaches
·        Practices are held on various local fields including LOUYAA Park, Oakdale MS, Deer Crossing ES, Spring Ridge ES, Windsor Knolls MS and Old National Pike Park.

·        Saturday games (with some Sunday games)
·      Opening weekend and Last weekend is TBD. Game Schedules are TBD, they are typically released by URSL, 2 weeks before opening weekend.
·        Game times vary by game
·        Home games at Oakdale Middle School or Old National Pike Park
·        Away games in surrounding areas
·        7v7 format w/6 field players and 1 goalie using size 5 ball.

End of Season Tournament:
·        All teams are invited to the end-of-season URSL League Tournament weekend with Championship games.
·        Tournament weekend is expected to be 06/07/25 - 06/08/25

Uniform & Equipment:
·      Extra Cost $90, Includes 2 Custom Jerseys, 1 Matching Shorts, 1 pair of soccer socks, purchased through Clubs Under Armour Store. (If you ordered an Under Armour Uniform in the Fall 2023, Spring 2024 or Fall 2024 Season, you do not need to order one this Spring 2025)

·        Parents provide players with shin guards and cleats.
·        Soccer balls will be provided by the Club for use during practices and games.
·        Players do not need to bring a ball to practices or games.

NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER COMPLETION OF THE FIRST WEEK OF PRACTICE, Before Said Time Refunds Are Issued at The Commissioners Discretion 

For additional information on 3rd to 12th Grade Rec Select Teams, please Visit or contact:


Practices will be held at LOUYAA Park, Oakdale MS, Deer Crossing ES, Windsor Knolls MS, Spring Ridge ES & Old National Park, twice per week.  Soccer is a team sport and players are expected to attend and participate in each practice.  This is where the learning takes place.  Games are for applying what players have learned.

Home games are played @ LOUYAA Park, Deer Crossing ES, Oakdale MS & Old National Park.

Away games vary across Frederick County, depending on the home team’s game field.

United Recreational Soccer League of Maryland

LOUYAA Alliance SC will be playing in the UNITED RECREATIONAL SOCCER LEAGUE of Maryland for the Spring 2025 Season. This league was developed by LOUYAA Alliance SC in collaboration with surrounding area clubs. FIFA laws of the game will be observed.

Average Team Fee Break Down 
Rec Budget Pie Chart 2019-2020
Small Sided Games Chart
Small-sided standards are youth games played with less than 11 players on each team. Playing with less players on the field means that players are constantly involved in play and provided with more opportunities for touches on the ball and overall player development. Not only are there fewer players, but small-sided games also use smaller fields, goals and balls, shorter game times and some different rules to optimize the game for younger players.

Director of Recreational Select Soccer - Brian O'Connor

 The Recreational Select Director oversees all aspects of the program, and works close with the Volunteer Coaches to ensure the program stays true to our goals.

Any specific questions about the Rec Select program please contact the LOUYAA Alliance Recreational Director, Brian O'Connor at or contact our Recreational Manager Laura Densock at

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